
Our team of talented Animators can deliver all kinds of animated solutions. From photorealistic CGI scenes, to composting 3D elements into filmed scenes, to character animation to motion graphics, we have the capability to meet any animation requirements.

CGI Composition 

Here is an example of what we can do with CGI Compositing. For this project we filmed various scenes then added animated elements in post production. We designed all the interface screens and 3D assets. This project also demonstrates that even in restrictive situations - such as remote mine sites - we are able to produce high end results. 

Photorealistic animation

Our team is highly skilled in a wide range of photorealistic animation techniques. Technology in this area has accelerated over the last few years. We can create entire photorealistic scenes either created from scratch or by using LIDAR data. Once created these scenes can be populated with equipment, infrastructure and characters.

Stylised animation

Perhaps your project requires stylised animation. Our talent artists can create toon like animations, 2D motion-graphics or 3D animated pieces.

Get in touch.

Provide us with some information about your project and we will send you a free, no obligation quote for your assessment.

Haven’t yet developed a brief? Reach out via our Contact Us form below and we will get in touch to help guide you through the process of conceptualising and planning out your project.